After a fierce battle”, we finally have the podium about the best websites of our distributors, the ones who better promote Airwork’s brand right now.
Our Congratulations to:
Simmatic (UK)
PW Martech (Poland)
Torneria Laguzzi (Uruguay)
However, we thank all our distributors for the space they already give to Airwork’s brand and at the same time we invite you to improve the presence of our product and brand, and of course we can help you with all the photos you may need or we can suggest you how to improve it!

Airwork wants to continually increase the quality of its products, for this reason we made an improvement to a whole family of products.
We are talking about all our valves that, in a very short time, will be delivered with an indelible pad printing.
The new pad is extremely precise, defined and includes all major product‘s information such as item code, pneumatics symbol and temperature of use, as well as website and also a big Airwork’s logo.
All the valves and solenoid valves will be pad printed with the same system, so we can get the advantage of an excellent readability of all informations but also of an aesthetic improvement of the product.
Our valves are meeting great success and we are confident that this new improvement will be greatly appreciated by our distributors who, like us, want to promote the Airwork’s brand.

We would like to speak about marketing and gadgets for the promotion of Airwork brand, so we please you to download our PROMOTION file from our website. CLICK HERE
In this file you can see (and ask for) all our promotion items as posters, catalogues and also polo shirts, sweatshirts and many more.
Promotion items are very important for the expansion of our brand and it’s useful for exhibitions, advertising and also for the decoration of your office.

More and more people in the world now knows the Airwork brand, and with your help they will be even more!

Thank you!


On August 28th, the magazine “Meccanica Plus” has published an article about our products which expresses a very clear concept: Airwork is one of the few Italian producers that are able to boast its own production of pneumatic cylinders and all the accessories they need to function, such as the guide unit, rod locks but also hydraulic speed regulators and solenoid valves for movement’s control.
There is also a whole series of mounting kits for all those customers who want to assemble cylinders at their own company eliminating the waiting times compared to a classic order of a product already assembled.
For further informations contact us at:



From 5th to 8th October will be held in Stuttgart the famous exhibition “Motek” dedicated to the automation and assembly industry.
It is a very important event, as it takes place in the most technological advanced country in the world and it is a meeting point for all professionals who want to exchange ideas, find solutions and show new products.
Airwork will be represented by its German distributor ZTR, which has a long time partership with us, supplying all pneumatic products such as cylinders, valves and special products according to customer specifications.

You will find us in: Halle 6 stand 6429.



During last years the number of Internet accesses from the mobile platforms has surpassed the desktop ones.
Thanks to increased speed and convenience, more than 50% of the world population use the internet directly from their smartphones.
Today, new generation devices allows you to make any kind of operation from banking to online purchases, and personal interests researches are increasingly taking place.
For this reason, at Airwork, we followed the innovation road realizing a website designed specifically for mobile that is already online.
From now, to navigate on our site you will not need anymore to do annoying enlargements of texts and images in order to read and see better, because all the content of the site is perfectly readable and visible by simply scrolling through pages, texts and images.
Obviously also pages and entire site loading times are now very fast and proportionate to the power of mobile devices avoiding the long waiting times for viewing the various pages.

Airwork is also active on the social network front and has a company profile page on every major portal such as YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn and soon on Twitter. We invite you to follow us to stay updated with Airwork world, we’ll wait for you!

Airwork has recently realized some interesting videos added on our dedicated channel, there you could find the institutional corporate video and furthermore 3D animations which show several important parts assembled.

In the future we are intending to develop this channel adding videos about our products but not only. We would thereby place at your disposition application videos of pneumatic automation and also about investments done by our Company.
We can just wait and in the meanwhile enjoy the show!

We are really proud of communicate the availability of our new general product catalogue, which will be delivered to all Airwork distributors.

The new catalogue, written in Italian and English version, differs from the competitors ones for different aspects: first of all for the hardback rigid cover that permit the vertical archiving thanks to a stable asset compared to other thin paper catalogues easily subjected to bad folds, in addition has a simple but endearing graphics with a shade of corporate colors.

Inward the catalogue you could find colorful pages with product pictures realized by professional photographers who managed to find the perfect slant and sharpness of the images in order to exalt all the details.

There are 4 sections: Actuators, Valves, Air treatment and Fittings. The name of each product is visible both on the top and on the right side of every single page, written on the grey band of the corresponding section, so you can choose the preferred division even when the catalogue is closed.

The 25 mm high dimensions are expressly designed for reducing the weight, giving the advantage to an easily and practice lecture.

On the back of the catalogue you’ll find the “QR code” , under Airwork’s address, readable by any kind of smartphone which led directly to the web-site
By all the Company staff , we hope you will enjoy the reading

Too often  originally made in Italy solenoid valves  are compared to low cost Chinese products.
This choice doesn’t take into consideration  technical aspects and constructive details which underlined  the great difference compared to products built without the approprate technical competences.

We could then affirm as a “good quality product” the valve which overcome 50 millions cycles with any kind of inconvenient.

This reaction and capacity is not required in many types of utilization, so even a low cost chinese valve could be wrongly condidered as good quality and manifactured
Related to a little sollecitation.

It is well known among insiders that shuttle seals are the most important element of this product, thanks to this knowledge most specific studies are addrressed to the
purpose of reaching unthinkable work cycles.

Airwork has designed and realized high performance seals managing the italian experience of a company leader of the market.
airwork seals are realized in an asymmetric way in order to permit a major usury resistance on the shuttle  contact point.

Many others are the constructive detailes which determine a good product risult, as brass spacers that guarantee the perfect seal stability, or the perfect used dimensioned return spring.

The last but not less important is  the greasy lubryficat used: a high quality product specifically studied and realized for the pneumatic sector with a long term durability remaining anchored by
internal valve components.

We are sure that careful and prepared  customers will choose quality compared to low cost, because they will surely evaluate the benefits earned by that choise, following  the concept expressed by the famous english sociologist John Ruskin according to ” it is imprudent paying too much but it is much worse paying too little.”

The continuos updating is in the Airwork’s dna.
For this motivation we have decided to modify the news transmission to our customers, from the old pdf file to the most modern and elegant company magazine,
that contain all the news of our products and the most important contents about the world of pneumatic automation.
The company magazine is a simple tool that give to the reader the possibility to write his personal opinion and start a interesting discussions.
The content will range from the news of our products up to the most technical aspects, possible applications in industrial sectors, up to possible market developments or opening of new official distributors.

We invite you to follow us

Why this sentence? And why matching pictures of pneumatic products to athletes? Many of you will surely have understood it, but we still want to talk about it because we think it’s really worth.
Well, the precision of movements is for sure the key aspect for an athlete, which determines his success or failure during a competition; it is then clear that the athlete dedicates his entire career to improve his moves for obtaining his goal, namely to win !!!!!
For our pneumatic products the spirit is not different, because our objective is the performance of our products. This because we can define as precise movement the linear movement of a cylinder that moves out and retracts at a constant speed without vibration even in the presence of radial loads.
Precise is also the movement of our compact guided cylinder with brass bushing, precise as the movement of all our ISO cylinders  which are assembled with high efficiency grease and low friction seals, and precise as the movement of our hydraulic speed regulators which allow the right speed of movement with the support of a closed hydraulic circuit.
All of these are examples which show how Airwork has always considered the precision of movement an important aspect that leads our customers to full satisfaction. This is our victory.

The modern pneumatic imposes solutions always different to solve new problems, and the reduction of the space is one of these.
Compact machines with high efficiency are increasingly requested and the components mounted in them must respond to this need.
Pneumatic cylinders, valves, but also fittings have undergone downsizing, with the creation of product lines parallel to the standards.
This is the case of our series of valves VA, VB and VH, which are designed to reduce the space and to limit the consumption of current for solenoid driving.
As shown in the figure, the valve of the VA series is smaller of 32% than the standard VY and its consumption passes from 3 to 1 W.

Grafica1             Grafica2


The versatility of the VA new series of valve is also evidenced with the availability of 3 different types of electrical connections, with the connector positioned downwards or frontally, while the third option relates to the use of a solenoid 15 mm DIN.


Today, many machine builders also need products which are modular and extensible as it often happens that a machine should need further automation and then other pneumatic components in a second stage.
That’s why our series VA and VB is designed with a system of sub-bases of modular type, exactly to be easily mounted and expanded.
The particular system of connection between the bases is achieved by using special pins with inclined seat which set in contact with a tip screw and creates an effect of approach between the two bases and therefore the perfect matching.
